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Search results for: RIOJA+ALAVESA

La ruta del vino de Rioja Alavesa: bodegas, pueblos amurallados y adrenalina

By | 7 September, 2018 | 0 comments


The north winds, its southern situation and its limestone clay soil have turned the Rioja Alavesa into a Mecca for good wine. If we add to all this, medieval towns, wineries by architectural firms like Frank Gehry and a development of wine tourism, visiting this area becomes an experience in itself. Read full article

Categories: Descubrir Bilbao / Bizkaia

Are you going on a motorcycle route? We have something for you

By | 22 November, 2021 | 0 comments

You love traveling by motorcycle; and you’re already preparing your next adventure, right? Let me tell you something…We’re going to offer you a destination that you don’t want to miss on your next itinerary. Bilbao and its surroundings, and a place where you really should spend at least one night, the Hotel Gran Bilbao. Read full article

Categories: Uncategorized

La ruta del Txakoli, un vino único de una tierra único

By | 13 June, 2019 | 0 comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

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Categories: Descubrir Bilbao / Bizkaia