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Hotel Gran Bilbao

Art in the hotel


Charming is easy enough but earning someone’s trust and loyalty is more of a challenge. The walls of our rooms and reception at Spirit Hotel Gran Bilbao are alive with words and tell stories that charm, persuade and entice. We want you to discover them so, once they have stimulated your curiosity and creativity, you can share them with the world.

The art of storytelling

At Spirit Hotel Gran Bilbao we believe that art is an essential part of our life. That is why the entrance to the garage and the hall are decorated with a large mural designed by the artists FAT COMBO.

A combination of urban art and classical styles. Do you want to know the secret of the story behind this spectacular work of art? It is about the Greek gods Artemis and Prometheus. Visit us and find out the rest of the story for yourself! Take a selfie with this wonderful mural using the hashtag #hotelgranbilbao and participate in our giveaways.

Art in the HGB rooms

As you probably know, each of our rooms is different. At Spirit Hotel Gran Bilbao, every one of them hides a story. And that is where your adventure to discover them begins… and you will write your own story.

Your stay in Spirit Hotel Gran Bilbao will always be a surprise because we always want you to live a different, unique experience that will make you want to come back for more.

Take your best photo using #hotelgranbilbao to participate in competitions and win prizes. Don’t forget to tell us your story!